Philip Fosbøl. Photo: Christian Ove Carlsson

CERE CO2 expert discusses new technique for CO2 removal from the atmosphere on

Thursday 23 Nov 17


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 68
CERE CO2 expert Associate Professor Philip Fosbøl has been asked to comment on a new machine, developed by a Swiss company, that can extract CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into carbonate rock which can be stored underground. The machine is currently in operation in Iceland.

“The new technology could help reach the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to ‘well below’ two degrees centigrade, and preferably below 1.5 degrees”, says Associate Professor Philip Fosbøl.

However, the new technology is by no means a quick fix:

“But here is one problem with the technology, says Fosbøl. It requires energy in order to capture CO2 and convert it to rock”.

Thus, while the technology is well-suited to Iceland which has large amounts of surplus energy from geothermal power plants, it may be a less viable option in locations where energy comes from non-renewable resources.

“If we are to solve climate change, then we need a lot of different approaches. Machines to remove CO2 from the atmosphere could be a part of that solution, but we should first focus on reducing our emissions,” Fosbøl emphasizes.

Read the entire article here:

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