Electroscrubbing for biogas cleaning; experiments and model construction

The BE-Clean project is a collaboration between DTU and the Danish companies Pentair Union Engineering, Elplatek and DGC with support from EUDP.

The purpose of the project is to within have a fullscale demonstration model of an electroscrubber. This electroscrubber will be used for removing Sulphur from biogas.

This technology is groundbreaking and can not be found anywhere in the industry.

The BE-Clean project will investigate new desulfurization process for biogas. The process has have been developed in collaboration between Elplatek A/S and DTU and will now be demonstrated in full-scale.

The cleaning process is an electrochemically assisted scrubbing process where hydrogen sulfide is selectively oxidized to elemental sulfur. The oxidation agent is generated electrochemically in situ.

After the oxidation agents have been used within the scrubbing tower, the liquid is filtrated to remove the elemental sulfur.

The liquid is then regenerated electrochemically and reused within the scrubbing tower. Ideally, all chemicals are reused and as such, there is no consumption of chemicals, only electricity.

Furthermore, the liquid used in the process is considered a cheap chemical and periodical replacement of the liquid is therefore possible within an economical framework.

During the project, three set-ups are planned:
1. Laboratory
2. Test container
3. Full-scale implementation.

The BE-Clean project is supported by EUDP (journal number 64019-0601).

Main supervisor:
Phillip Lol Fosbøl

Co- supervisor:
Jens Abildskov


Sebastian Borgquist
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 24 59 96 74


Jens Abildskov
Associate professor
DTU Chemical Engineering


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 68