Water-based Enhanced Oil Recovery

As the world’s oil and gas resources are getting scarcer, novel methods for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) are in high demand. A number of such proposed methods are water-based, and CERE has decided to concentrate efforts that were previously under different labels in this new JIP.
First of all, there is the BioRec program (Biotechnology in Oil Recovery) focussed on both Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) and enzymatic enhanced oil recovery while also looking into innovative use of biotechnology in relation to prevention of corrosion and gas hydrate formation.
Further, a number of projects runs under the SmartWater program, which investigates flooding techniques with water of different salinity than the reservoir brine. These are water-based EOR techniques and thus included in the new JIP (the geology oriented activities in SmartWater are now a part of the ROCKS project).
The project also contains several elements inherited from the Advanced Oil Recovery Methods (ADORE) project. While officially concluded, the spirit of ADORE, which was to improve understanding of EOR processes, lives on in several current CERE projects.

Initiated: 2013 (built on previous programs BioRec and SmartWater).
Industry partners: Maersk Oil, DONG E&P, Novozymes.

Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Alexander Shapiro, ash@kt.dtu.dk


Alexander Chapiro
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 81