Photo: Christian Ove Carlsson

CERE Seminar by - Laura Paci

“Dan field data as an analog for the Chalk formations in Zealand, Denmark”

The employment of the geothermal energy and thermal energy storage is evaluated in the medium depth chalk formations of Zealand. However, there is no geotechnical data available in the target depth interval as existing geotechnical surveys investigated the shallow layers of the chalk in connection with the construction of major public infrastructures.

In addition, relevant geophysical log data are presented limited to three wells with varying degree of quality. Therefore, the possibility to use data from the Dan field in the North Sea as an analog for the chalk formation in Zealand is evaluated.

Firstly, the effective stress of Dan field and Zealand based on the method of Japsen (1998) was estimated. Here it is taken into account the regional velocity-depth anomaly, which is opposite for Zealand and for the North Sea chalk. Then, the elastic moduli and petrophysical properties for the chalk were assessed based on P-wave velocity and density data (Fabricius, 2003).

This demonstrates that Dan field can be a feasible analog for the chalk formations in Zealand.


Thu 26 Oct 17
9:00 - 10:00


B229 / Lounge