Corporate members of the Consortium can access and obtain all results directly from the Center for Energy Resources Engineering as soon as they become available, usually one or two years before publication. A computer program for Separation and Phase Equilibrium Calculations, SPECS, is made available for members of the consortium.
Also, students and scientists from the Center for Energy Resources Engineering are available for collaboration with consortium members on projects conducted at company facilities.
Main deliverables to the Consortium members:
Participation in the annual Discussion Meeting
Web access to:
- Manuscripts in advance of publication
- PhD thesis (MSc theses under development)
- SPECS research software
- PC-SAFT software as executable file and dll
- Electrolyte Database
- Presentation material from the annual Discussion Meeting
- User models for CAPE OPEN simulators
Access to collaboration
- Experimental studies
- Student projects
- Visiting PhD students
- Joint Research Projects
- Access to know-how and influence on research program
Acces to a Virtual Reality Room
- The Center offers access to a “virtual reality” room for scientific work at favourable conditions
Membership fee: 8000 Euro annually.