Nikolaj Blom. Photo:Christian Ove Carlsson

GeoHealth – Are life and planet Earth surprisingly in tune?

Tuesday 10 Dec 19
CERE Senior Researcher Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom is one of the first to be awarded the Lundbeck Foundation Experiment Grant for the most audacious research ideas

Did you know that the Earth has its own pulse or heartbeat? It is called the Schumann resonance and beats 7,83 times per second.

This very weak electromagnetic field is caused by atmospheric lightning in the earth-ionosphere cavity and has presumably been present since the beginning of life on this planet.

Life itself is rhythmic – just think of the of the beating heart or synchronized brain waves. Interestingly, the Alpha brain waves – where we find ourselves in a state of flow – has the exact same frequency – 7,83 Hz – as the planetary Schumann resonance. Is this merely a coincidence?

SchumannIf human stem cells are put in a shielded chamber, where no electromagnetic fields are present, they show sign of illness and distress. Does this indicate that cellular health is dependent on weak, electromagnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance?

The GeoHealth project will address the following question: Is cellular health affected by geomagnetic fields such as the Schumann Resonance field?

The expected key result is to demonstrate that fundamental biological processes, such as stem cell development, are affected by electromagnetic fields with frequencies and intensity resembling the Schumann Resonance field.

The mechanism by which cellular life responds to weak electromagnetic fields may be related to extraordinary properties of water – the main constituent of living systems.

In a wider perspective, the results from GeoHealth open new scientific avenues in regenerative medicine, astrobiology, geomedicine, and understanding bio-planetary interdependencies

The GeoHealth project will be performed in collaboration with stem cell researchers at DTU Bioengineering, has been awarded 2 million DKK and will run for 2 years.


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