SPE Meeting, DTU

The Society of Petroleum Engineers is a worldwide organization with few hundred thousand members. It has a Section at Copenhagen, www.spe-cph.dk, and a Student Chapter at the DTU. Several events are being organized by the SPE, including annual meetings at the DTU. Thus, one of the active goals of the Society is to facilitate information exchange and collaboration between industry, research and education.


Tue 26 Nov 13
17:00 - 23:00


 DTU, b. 101, aud. 1

Poster session 17:00-18:00

Presentations 18:00-19:00

  • Max La Cour Christensen, Algebraic Multilevel solvers for Reservoir Simulation.
  • Michael Frost, Measurement and Modeling of phase equilibrium of oil systems with polar chemicals.
  • Morten Kanne Sørensen, Correcting sonic logs for invasion.
Dinner from 19:00