Portrait of Edgar Luis Camacho Vergara

PhD Defence by Edgar Luis Camacho Vergara

”Phase behavior of inhomogeneous fluids: A classical density functional theory approach"


Due to the Corona situation the defense will be held virtual with no live audience. If you wish to follow the defense through Zoom you will have to sign up by sending an e-mail to Christian Carlsson cc@kt.dtu.dk at the latest 17 June at 12:00 hereafter you will receive an invitation to join the virtual defense

Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Xiaodong Liang

Co-supervisor: Professor Georgios Kontogeorgis

Associate Professor Alexander Shapiro, DTU
Professor Even Solbraa, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Professor Joachim Gross, Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Chairperson at defence:
Associate Professor Kaj Thomsen, Chemical Engineering, DTU


Fri 19 Jun 20
13:00 - 17:00

