Alexander Shapiro. Photo: Christian Ove Carlsson

CERE Seminar by Alexander Shapiro

Averaging and upscaling – a new approach


Due to the Corona situation the seminar will be held virtually.

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Averaging and upscaling are key operations in many areas of applied and fundamental science.

Typical examples are given by transition from the discrete molecular motion to the mechanics of liquids and gases, or by averaging the liquid flows in the theories of turbulence and multiphase flow.

An example of liquid flows in porous media has inspired the present work. Here, multiple scales are considered: molecular, single-pore/continuous, laboratory, reservoir scale, and other.

The presentation discusses the methods for averaging and upscaling applied in modern science, as well as practical and philosophical problems related to these operations.

Multiplicity and relativity approaches, as well as difficulties related to multiple scales, are presented.

A new method of continuous upscaling is described. It is shown that this method partly resolves the described problems: it is unique (in some physically reasonable assumptions) and makes it possible to upscale densities and fluxes in a similar way.

This is the work in progress, and the future directions are outlined.


Thu 17 Sep 20
9:00 - 10:00


Online - MS Teams