The thermodynamics of complex mixture separations using glassy polymer membranes
Membrane based separations provide a low energy alternative to thermal separations based on distillation. Unlike traditional fluid phase separations which have a definitive equilibrium, membrane based processes are inherently out of equilibrium. For this reason, most researchers intuition is formulated on the idea that membrane based separations are controlled by the relative diffusivities of the species being separated. In this presentation we challenge this idea, by showing that the membrane based separations of liquid mixtures using glassy polymer membranes is dominated by the thermodynamic effect of the relative solubilities of liquid species in the polymer membrane.
- PhD from Walter Chapmans Group at Rice University (2014)
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- ExxonMobil Research and Engineering - Thermodynamics Group (2014-2019)
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- ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research (2019 – 2022)
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