PhD defence by Peter Jørgensen Herslund

PhD Student Peter Jørgensen Herslund will defend his thesis "Thermodynamic and Process Modelling of Gas Hydrate Systems in CO2 Capture Processes". The defence will take place Tuesday 3 December in building 101 room S01.

Main superviser is Associate Professor Nicolas von Solms and Co-supervisors are Associate Professor Kaj Thomsen and Associate Professor Jens Abildskov.

Examiners at the defence will be Professor Georgios Kontogeorgis, DTU-Chemical Engineering; Professor Peter Englezos, University of British Columbia in Canada, and Dr. Eric Hendriks from Shell Global Solutions in the Netherlands. Chairman will be Associate Professor Alexander Shapiro, DTU-Chemical Engineering.

After the defence a reception will be given in the lounge of building 229.


Tue 03 Dec 13
13:00 - 17:00



DTU, building 101, room S01