General Approach to Characterize Reservoir Fluids Using a Large PVT Database
Global increase in oil demand has resulted in the need for exploring remote and harsh locations where a considerable portion of them are at extreme reservoir temperatures and pressures.
Accurate calculation of properties of gas and oil at high pressures and high temperatures (HPHT) is a more prominent issue. Non-cubic Equation of State (EoS) models are an attractive option due to their better description of density and compressibility over a wide temperature and pressure range.
Application of these models to reservoir fluids requires development of the corresponding fluid characterization methods.
We proposed a general approach to develop correlations for model parameters and applied it to the characterization for the PC-SAFT EoS. The approach consists in first developing the correlations based on the DIPPR database, and then adjusting the correlations based on a large PVT database. The adjustment was made to minimize the deviation in key PVT properties like saturation pressures, densities at reservoir temperature and Stock Tank Oil (STO) densities, while keeping the n-alkane limit of the correlations unchanged.
As an improvement of a previously suggested characterization method, the approach gives better PVT calculation results for the tested systems. Comparison was also made between PC-SAFT with the proposed characterization method and other EoS models. The proposed approach can be applied to other EoS models for improving their fluid characterization. Besides, the challenges with PNA based characterization methods are discussed.