Much like CERE itself, Lloyds Register ODS takes interest in a wide range of energy engineering topics. The company is a global engineering firm specializing in advanced simulation technology for the design and analysis of complex structures and systems. The company is a long standing member of the CERE industrial Consortium.
“Enhanced Oil Recovery and reservoir simulation are key issues for us in relation to CERE. While the specific content of our mutual projects vary, we consistently have high expectations for the overall cooperation,” says Dr. Kenny Krogh Nielsen of Lloyds Register ODS.
Currently, the company is co-sponsoring jointly with DONG Energy a geophysics project led by Professor Klaus Mosegaard on fundamental challenges in analysis of geodata. Among other aspects the project addresses the existing tradeoff between uncertainty and resolution in the solution of inverse problems. The problem is poorly understood in current practice, often resulting in biased model predictions.
“Having to deal with uncertainties is an inherent condition throughout energy engineering. One of the areas in which we are keen to implement new findings is within CO2 storage. Currently the low price of CO2 permits halts the general progress in CO2 capture, but we are confident that the issue will continue to be in focus, and we also have clients in the field. We are convinced that better understanding of advanced thermo dynamics is needed in order to establish full scale CO2 capture and storage.”
Kenny Krogh Nielsen attends the Discussion Meeting for the first time:
“I am the type of person who will normally ask quite a lot of questions during a conference, but being a newcomer I have kept a lower profile this time. I have mainly taken the opportunity to be updated on a number of issues outside my own field.”