The Danish Advanced Technology Foundation have chosen to support two large projects to take off in the beginning of 2011 at the Center for Energy Resources (CERE), DTU:
The first project, BioRec - Biotechnology in Oil Recovery - is a unique partnership between oil and biotechnology, respresented by Maersk Oil and DONG Energy, and Novozymes, respectively. CERE will lead the project, and the other project partners are the University of Roskilde and the Danish Institute of Technology. The vision of the project is to develop biotechnological knowledge and technology to increase the amount of recoverable oil in Danish oil fields in the North Sea. This will be achieved by development of biotechnological tools that are significantly more efficient, more economically viable and environmentally safer than existing solutions. The overall budget is EUR 4.5 mio, where the Foundation supports with EUR 2 mio and Industry with EUR 1.5 mio.
The second project is a partnership between CERE-DTU and the Danish sonar company, Reson A/S. This project aims to develop a model for oil-polluted sea water and from there, a state-of-the-art sonar product with an effective method for the detection and quantification of oil in sea water. The overall budget for this project is EUR 2.3 mio. Where the Danish Advanced Technology Foundation supports the project with EUR 1.4 mio and Industry further adds EUR 0.5 mio.