On 29 October 2019, DTU hosted the meeting of the Copenhagen section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), organized by the Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre, (DHRTC, DTU) and Center for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE, DTU)
The meeting was held online. It was open for the DTU students and workers, as well as for the members of CERE consortium and some other external participants. The meeting was well attended: In total, around people subscribed for the meeting, and the actual participation was above seventy.
The Society of Petroleum Engineers is a worldwide organization accounting for several hundred thousand members. It is active worldwide, organizing several ten conferences and workshops every month and publishing several engineering research journals, with a collection of SPE papers amounting to almost two hundred thousand.
The Copenhagen SPE section involves representatives of all the most important petroleum companies operating in Denmark.
At the DTU it has created an active Student Chapter, at present amounting to ca. 80 members.
Collaboration between the Student Chapter and the “adult” SPE makes it possible to establish regular contacts between the students and the professionals, which is very important for the students’ professional development and, eventually, for their future employment.
The SPE Copenhagen section, among other activities, organizes monthly SPE meetings. These meetings are being organized by the petroleum companies, at different places around Copenhagen. Once a year such a meeting is traditionally hosted by the DTU. This is the way for the DTU researchers to present their recent results to the industry.
The main part of the meeting consisted of the two presentations. Professor Erling Stenby and Associate Professor Philip Fosbøl presented the carbon dioxide capture and storage research at CERE, DTU.
They presented an impressive number of the activities in this area, including laboratory studies, modeling, and development of novel technologies carried out at CERE. Presentation of Dr. Claus Myllerup (Kairos Technology), discussed the new technology, the Control Room Assistant, developed in collaboration with Total E&P, Denmark, DTU Electro and DHRTC.
This computer learning based technology makes it possible to monitor, classify and, in a real-time regime, to eliminate the causes of the alarms and emergency situations arising under production in a refinery or a large chemical plant.