By March 1 2015 Philip Fosbøl accepted a position as Associate Professor at DTU Chemical Engineering in relation to CO2 downstream issues. He comes from a similar Assistant Professor position and has been associated with CERE during his entire academic career.
Philip Fosbøls’ projects involve thermodynamic modelling and experimental work in relation to CO2 capture for emissions reduction and energy optimization, CO2 corrosion in gas production and transport. He has recently been involved in CERE oil recovery efforts on equipment design and advanced flooding. Projects which have recently been initialized cover process design, simulation, validation, and optimization (both rate based and equilibrium based), and property estimation. Validation of the results is carried out through experimental method development and property measurements. This covers VLE, SLE, and heat capacity determination. Physical-chemical properties like density, viscosity, surface tension etc. and also corrosion related issues like protective scales and precipitation, and oil/gas reservoir core flooding are carried out.
Before joining CERE’s faculty, Philip Fosbøl was employed first as a PhD student and later as a Post Doc. While topics and angles in his previous projects have differed, carbon dioxide has been the common denominator for most of them. His works up till now have included practically all known solvent based capture techniques. CERE takes part in a number of EU funded CCS projects, among them the Framework 7 Octavius focused on large scale demonstration of CCS. For industry and academia faced with decisions regarding capture techniques, CERE has developed a software tool, the “CapCO2” package which can be used for capture simulation in Excel or Aspen Plus. Philip Fosbøl is the main contributor to “CapCO2”.