Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT) is the current cornerstone in the research of Xiaodong Liang. His thesis entitled “Thermodynamic Modeling of Complex Systems” contributes to enhancing the performance of sonar investigation for detection and monitoring of oil spills in the subsea.
Xiaodong Liang obtained his Master degree in chemical engineering at the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). He then worked a few years in industry as a research and development engineer in thermodynamic models before commencing his academic career in Denmark. While his current work is focused mainly on theoretical developments and software implementation, his industry experience is helpful when joint industry projects are in question.
Among his interests is the application of PC-SAFT for modelling the phase-behavior of water, chemical and oil containing systems. His contributions include estimation approaches of pure component parameters and characterization procedures for petroleum fluids, universal constant regression and fundamental understandings of the advanced theory based models. His future efforts will aim at further developments on these fundamental questions, while also including new aspects such as algorithms, electrolytes, and surface tension.