After a year in the private sector, Allan Peter Engsig-Karup, Associate Professor in Scientific Computing is back at DTU Compute.
After a year in the private sector, Allan Peter Engsig-Karup, Associate Professor in Scientific Computing is back at DTU Compute, where he conducts research in areas of Computational Mathematics and modern scientific computing paradigms and connecting these developments to engineering applications.
His research interests focus on advancing engineering applications through development of modern scientific computing tools for simulation and predictions. He has considerable experience interdisciplinary research projects, industrial collaborations and transforming fundamental research into new innovative technology.
Recently, he has been involved in an industrial PhD project (2011-2014) on massive parallelism for reservoir simulation and the OPTION project of CERE (see the 2013 report) dealing with devising new algorithms and approaches for multi-scale and near-well simulations. Allan has his office in building 303B, room 108.