The inaugural meeting of the ERC project "New Paradigm in Electrolyte Thermodynamics" took place February 28, 2020 at DTU.

The inaugural meeting of the ERC project took place February 28 - 2020 at DTU

Saturday 29 Feb 20


Georgios Kontogeorgis
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 59
The inaugural meeting of the ERC project "New Paradigm in Electrolyte Thermodynamics" took place February 28, 2020 at DTU.

The ERC project started officially 1.09.2019 and will last for 5 years.

The meeting was attended by 20 researchers from DTU, the collaborating partners from University of Princeton, Energies Nouvelles and National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos" as well as representatives from companies.

The whole-day meeting included presentations on (industrial) applications of electrolyte thermodynamics, fundamental studies and further development of electrolyte models. Excellent discussions took place during the meeting where also some of the future directions of the project were discussed.

Any input from academic or industrial colleagues related to electrolyte thermodynamics (expectations, needs and any suggestions) is most welcome.

Contact. Professor Georgios M. Kontogeorgis,

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