New PhD student in CERE

Thursday 13 Mar 14

Arne Gladis is new PhD student in CERE with Nicolas von Solms as supervisor.

Arne took his bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemical engineering from the Technical University of Munich. The choice of his field of study was driven by the urge to work afterwards on an energy relevant topic and facing the challenges of energy supply for future generations. In his bachelor’s thesis he worked on experimental optimization of a technical lab scale distillation column to separate an acetone-toluene mixture coming from an extraction process. In his master’s studies he specialized in chemical process engineering and did his first research project on a techno-economic model to estimate and compare the production cost of second generation bio ethanol derived from the agricultural waste material sweet sorghum bagasse to the ethanol from the sweet sorghum sugar juice. After looking into the lab where the experiments about this process were conducted he decided to do his master thesis on a matlab model describing the enzyme reaction within the process and carrying out the validation experiments in the lab. In Advance Arne took the opportunity to do a 6 month research internship at Lund University while comparing different process configurations for the production process of bioethanol derived from corn straw in the lab. This was his first encounter with Scandinavia. Arne really enjoyed his time at the Øresund so he is glad to have found a way back here and to do his PhD studies after finishing his master degree.

Arne will work at CERE on the process technology of carbon capture using enzymes. It is thought that the addition of enzymes can enhance the carbon dioxide uptake and thereby reduce process energy. Focus in the beginning will be to determine which solvents are suitable to work with enzymes and what will be the benefit of the enzyme usage in the process. Afterwards it is planned to model this process and validate this model with pilot plant data.

When the weather is good you can probably find Arne in his spare time outside playing basketball in a park; if the weather is bad he is reading a book, listening to music or trying to improve his cooking skills.
Arne will have office together with Carolina in building 229 room 202.

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