The 12thEuropean Congress of Chemical Engineering (EECE12) took place during 15-19 September 2019 in Florence, Italy.
The conference was a joint event together with 5th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB5) and included three mini-symposia (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis,Energy and Chemical Engineeringand Crystallization fundamentals and industrial processes) and a workshop (Crystallization science and engineering Workshop).
ECCE-12 is the biggest European event for chemical engineers from both industrial and academic sectors.
The conference had over 1000 contributions registered, over 1300 participants from Europe, Asia and America, and included as well an exhibition with participants from industry, academia and research institutions.
The conference covered a lot of topics in the field of chemical engineering, biotechnology, as well as chemical engineering education, including hot-topics like big data, digitalization and sustainable resources and technologies
CERE was represented at the ECCE12 & ECAB5 event by two PhD Students and a PostDoc:
- Xinyan Liu (PhD, CERE & KT Consortium, Supervisors: Professor Georgios Kontogeorgis, Associate professor Xiaodong Liang ) had a poster presentation in the Process Systems Engineering session on the topic of her PhD projectIonic liquid design and process simulation for shale gas separation
- Yiqun Liu(PhD, CERE, Supervisors: Associate professor Wei Yan, Researcher Teresa Regueira Muñiz, ProfessorErling Stenby) disseminated his work in the lecturePhase equilibrium and density of highly asymmetric gas-oil mixtures at high temperatures and high pressurespresented in the session of Thermodynamics and Interfacial Phenomena.
- Olivia Perederic(Postdoc, CERE & KT Consortium, Supervisors: Professor Georgios Kontogeorgis and Professor John Woodley) gave an overview presentation of the topic of Systematic computer aided methods and tools for lipid process technologyin the symposium session Energy and Chemical Engineering.