CERE’s PhD Summer Course “Advanced Course on Thermodynamic Models: Fundamentals & Computational Aspects” still going strong
This course is of relevance to researchers who work with the development and implementation of thermodynamic models for process simulation or those who just want to learn how to develop and write an efficient and consistent computer code.
Prof. Michael L. Michelsen and Prof. Jørgen Mollerup started the course more than 15 years ago, and it has been highly acclaimed ever since. This year it attracted 22 participants from both academia and industry in 14 different countries.
When Prof. Michelsen became emeritus in 2015, the course was taken over by Prof. Georgios Kontogeorgis and Senior Researcher Wei Yan. There is still a strong interest for understanding thermodynamic models of industrial importance and learning how to implement them in an efficient manner from not only the classical chemical engineers but also engineers in other disciplines like petroleum engineering and mechanical engineering.
The course was very well evaluated by the participants and it is our intention to continue the course in August next year also.