SEP 8201 “Gas Solubilities by Means of a Group Contribution Method
A Progress Report”
Steen Skjold-Jørgensen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8202 ”Superfac: An Extended UNIFAC Model”
Torben Jensen, Aage Fredenslund and Peter Rasmussen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8203 ”Thermodynamics of Electrolytes and Development of a New Model for Electrolyte Mixtures”
Claus Christensen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8204 ”Thermodynamics of Petroleum Mixtures Containing Heavy Hydrocarbons. I. Phase Envelope Calculations by Use of the Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State”
Karen Schou Pedersen, Per Thomassen and Aage Fredenslund
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 23(1) (1984) 163-170)
SEP 8205 ”Minimization Methods for Flash Problems. I. General Consideration”
M.L. Michelsen
(See SEP 8205 + 8206)
SEP 8206 ”Minimization Methods for Flash Problems. Part II: Computational Aspects”
Michael L. Michelsen
(See SEP 8205 + 8206)
SEP 8205 “Multiphase Insenthalpic and Isentropic Flash Algorithms
+ 8206 Michael L. Michelsen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 33 (1987) 13-27)
SEP 8207 ”Thermodynamics of Petroleum Mixtures Containing Heavy Hydrocarbons. 2. Flash and PVT Calculations with the SRK Equation of State”
Karen Schou Pedersen, Per Thomassen and Aage. Fredenslund
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 23(3) (1984) 566-573)
SEP 8208 ”Gas Solubility Calculations. I. UNIFAC”
Bo Sander, Steen Skjold-Jørgensen and Peter Rasmussen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 11 (1983) 105-126)
SEP 8209 ”Phase Equilibria and Fluid Phase Properties”
Peter Rasmussen
(3. CEC, Graz, Austria, September, 1982)
SEP 8210 ”Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. Revision and Extension 3”
Eugénia Almeida Macedo, Ulrich Weidlich, Jürgen Gmehling and Peter Rasmussen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8211 ”A Local Composition Model for Completely Dissociated Electrolyte Mixtures. A Progress Report”
Claus Christensen, Bo Sander, Aage Fredenslund and Peter Rasmussen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8212 ”Some Aspects of Gas Solubility in Mixed Solvents”
Steen Skjold-Jørgensen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8213 ”Possibilities for the Prediction of Phase Equilibria from Molecular Structure”
Peter Rasmussen, Aage Fredenslund, Bo Sander and Steen Skjold-Jørgensen
(Internal Report)
SEP 8214 ”Calculation of Critical Points and Phase Boundaries in the Critical Region”
Michael L. Michelsen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 16 (1984) 57-76)