SEP 0001 “Isothermal gravitational segregation: Algorithms and Specification”
Snorri Halldórsson and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 175 (2000) 175-183)
SEP 0002 “Models for Surfactant Systems”
H.Y. Cheng, G.M. Kontogeorgis and E.H. Stenby
(Internal Report)
SEP 0003 “Modeling and Simulation of Nitrogen Injection in a Naturally Fractured Reservoir”
Sigurd í Jákupsstovu, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros and Erling H. Stenby
(Presented at the 2000 SPE International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition in Mexico, Villahemosa, Mexico, February 1-3 2000)
(SPE 59008)
SEP 0004 “Recommended Viscosity Data and Models: n-Alkanes”
Claus Zeberg-Mikkelsen, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros and Erling H. Stenby
(EVIDENT report)
SEP 0005 “One Parameter Friction Theory Models for Viscosity”
Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros, Claus K. Zèberg-Mikkelsen and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria 178(1-2) (2001) 1-16)
SEP 0006 “Accurate Density and Viscosity Modeling of Nonpolar Fluids Based on the “f -theory” and Noncubic Equation of State”
Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros, Claus K. Zeberg-Mikkelsen and Erling H. Stenby
(Presented at the 14th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 25-30, 2000)
(Int. J. of Thermophys. 23(1) (2002) 41-55)
SEP 0007 “Compositional Analysis of North Sea Oils”
Anhijit Y. Dandekar, Simon I. Andersen and Erling H. Stenby
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 18(7&8) (2000) 975-988)
SEP 0008 “Measurement of Phase Boundaries of Hydrocarbon Mixtures Using Fiber Optical Detection Techniques”
Abhijit Y. Dandekar and Erling H. Stenby
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 39(7) (2000) 2586-2591)
SEP 0009 “Solid Organic Deposition During Gas Injection Studies”
Abjihit Y. Dandekar, Simon I. Andersen and Erling H. Stenby
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 18(9-10) (2000) 1209-1229)
SEP 0010 “Application of Group Contribution Models to the Calculation of the Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient”
Samer O. Derawi, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Erling H. Stenby
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40 (2001) 434-443)
SEP 0011 “The Mystery of the Van der Waals Equation”
Kontogeorgis, G.M., and Coutsikos, Ph.
(Internal Report)
SEP 0012 “Heat Treatment in the Manufacture of Pitch Produced from Blends of Tars of Petroleum and Coal Origin”
B.E. Hansen, O. Malmros, N.R. Turner, E.H. Stenby, Simon I. Andersen
(Presented at the EUROCARBON 2000, 1st World Conference on Carbon, 9-13 July 2000)
SEP 0013 “High-Pressure Measuring Cell for Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Natural Gas”
S. Brunsgaard Hansen, R.W. Berg and E.H. Stenby
(Appl. Spectrosc., 55(1) (2001) 55-60)
SEP 0014 “Multicomponent Adsorption. Approaches to Modeling Adsorption Equilibria”
Alexander A. Shapiro and Erling H. Stenby
(Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Second Edition; Taylor & Francis: New York, 5, (2006) 4180-4189)
SEP 0015 “Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Methane-Ethane Mixtures as a Function of Pressure”
S. Brunsgaard Hansen, R.W. Berg and E.H. Stenby
(Appl. Spectrosc. 55(6) (2001) 745-749)
SEP 0016 “Effect of Low Permeable Porous Media on Behavior of Gas Condensates”
A.A. Shapiro, K. Potsch, J.G. Kristensen, E.H. Stenby
(Presented at the SPE European Petroleum Conference in Paris, France, October 24-25, 2000)
(SPE 65182)
SEP 0017 “Modeling of Characterized Oils Viscosity with the One Parameter Friction Theory Models”
S.E. Quiñones-Cisneros, C.K. Zéberg-Mikkelsen and E.H. Stenby
(Presented at the 21st Annual Workshop and Symposium, Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, International Energy Agency, 19-22 September 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland)
SEP 0018 “Analysis of Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients of Solutes in Hydrocarbons from UNIFAC”
J. Abildskov, R. Gani, P. Rasmussen, J.P. O´Connell
(Fluid Phase Equilibria 181 (2001) 163-186)
SEP 0019 “Diagonal Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and Modeling Transport Coefficients”
A.A. Shapiro and E.H. Stenby
(Presented at the IMT4 meeting, Bayreuth, Germany, September 11-16, 2000)
(Lecture Notes on Physics 584, W. Köhler and S. Wiegand (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001 61-74)
SEP 0020 “High-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in the Systems: nitrogen + dimethyl ether, methanol + dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide + dimethyl ether + methanol, and nitrogen + dimethyl ether + methanol”
M. Teodorescu and P. Rasmussen
(Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 46(3) (2001) 640-646)
SEP 0021 “Three-Dimensional Compositional Simulation: Streamline Methods and Analytical Solutions for One-Dimensional Flow”
P. Ermakov, K. Jessen, J. Zhu and F.M. Orr, Jr.
(Presented at the 21st Annual Workshop & Symposium, Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, International Energy Agency, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 19-22, 2000)
SEP 0022 “Effects of Numerical Dispersion in FD Simulation of 1D Gas Injection Problems”
K. Jessen and E.H. Stenby
(Presented at the 21st Annual Workshop & Symposium, Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, International Energy Agency, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 19-22, 2000)
SEP 0023 “Physical Properties from Association Models”
Michael L. Michelsen and Eric M. Hendriks
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 180 (2001) 165-174)
SEP 0024 “Low Temperature Treatment of Petroleum Tar in the Production of Anode Binder Pitch”
B.E. Hansen, O. Malmros, N.R. Turner, E.H. Stenby and S.I. Andersen
(Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Petroleum and Gas Phase Behaviour, Copenhagen, August 28-31, 2000)
SEP 0025 “Thermodynamics of Paint Related Systems with Engineering Models”
Thomas Lindvig, Michael L. Michelsen and Georgios Kontogeorgis
(AIChE J. 47 (11) (2001) 2573-2584)
SEP 0026 “A Thermodynamic Model for Gas Hydrates in the Presence of Salts and Methanol”
Julian Youxiang Zuo, Dan Zhang and Erling H. Stenby
(Chem. Eng. Comm 184, (2001) 175-192)
SEP 0027 “Viscosity Prediction of Natural Gas Using the Friction Theory”
Claus K. Zëberg-Mikkelsen, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros and Erling H. Stenby
(Int. Journal of Thermophys. 23(2) (2002) 437-454)
SEP 0028 “The Friction Theory for Viscosity Modeling: Extension to Crude Oil Systems”
Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros, Claus K. Zéberg-Mikkelsen and Erling H. Stenby
(Chemical Engineering Science 56(24), (2001) 7007-7015)
SEP 0029 “Dielectric Studies of Asphaltenes in Toluene Solutions”
Carsten Pedersen and Simon I. Andersen
(Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Petroleum and Gas Phase Behaviour, Copenhagen, August 28-31, 2000) (Proceedings)
SEP 0030 “Estimation of Solubility Parameters of Complex Crude Oil Mixtures Using Sound Velocity”
Carsten Pedersen and Simon I. Andersen
(Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Petroleum and Gas Phase Behaviour, Copenhagen, August 28-31, 2000) (Proceedings)
SEP 0031 “Investigations of Inhibition of Asphaltene Precipitation at High Pressure Using Bottomhole Samples”
M.A. Aquino-Olivos, E. Buenrostro-Gonzalez, S.I. Andersen and C. Lira-Galeana
(Energy and Fuels, 15(1) (2001) 236-240)
SEP 0032 “Comparisons between Asphaltenes from the Dead and Live-Oil Samples of the Same Crude Oils”
M.A. Aquino-Olivos, S.I. Andersen and C. Lira-Galeana
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 21(5&6) (2003) 1017-1041)
SEP 0033 “On the Mass Balance of Asphaltene Precipitation”
Simon I. Andersen, Carlos Lira-Galeana and Erling H. Stenby
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 19 (2001) 457-467)
SEP 0034 “Characterization of Asphaltenes and Resins from Problematic Mexican Crude Oils”
Eduardo Buenrostro-Gonzalez, Marcela Espinosa-Peña, Simon I. Andersen and Carlos Lira-Galeana
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 19(3&4) (2001) 299-316)
SEP 0035 “Changes in Asphaltene Chemistry and Stability during Hydrotreating”
Simon I. Andersen, Morten Mejlholm, Jesper Bartholdy and Ryan Lauridsen
(Proceedings at the 4th International Conference on Chemistry in Industry, Bahrain, October, 2000)
SEP 0036 “Organic Precipitates in Oil Production of a Venezuelan Oil Field”
S.I. Andersen, Th. Hofsäss, W. Kleinitz and I. Rahimian
(Presented at ISCOP´99, Huatulco, Mexico, november 1999)
(Petroleum Science & Technology, 19(1&2) (2001) 55-74)
SEP 0037 “Petroleum Resins: Separation, Character, and Role in Petroleum”
Simon I. Andersen and James G. Speight
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 19 (2001) 1-34)
SEP 0038 “Interaction and Solubilization of Water by Petroleum Asphaltenes in Organic Solution”
Simon I. Andersen, Jose Manuel del Rio-Garcia, Daria Khvostitchenko, Sarmad Shakir, Carlos Lira-Galeana
(Langmuir, 17(2) (2001) 307-313)
SEP 0039 “Stimulation of Asphaltene Deposits in Oil Producing Wells”
Wolfram Kleinitz and Simon I. Andersen
(Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Petroleum and Gas Phase Behaviour, Copenhagen, August 28-31, 2000) (Proceedings)
SEP 0040 “Prediction of Micelle Formation for Aqueous Polyoxyethylene Alcohol Solutions with the UNIFAC Method”
Hongyuan Cheng, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis and Erling H. Stenby
(Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, 41(5) (2002), 892-898)
SEP 0041 “Viscosity Prediction of Hydrocarbon Mixtures Based on the Friction Theory”
Claus K. Zéberg-Mikkelsen, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros and Erling H. Stenby
(Petroleum Science and Technology, 19(7-8) (2001) 899-910)
SEP 0042 “Estimation of VLE Phase Compositions of Binary Systems Containing Gaseous Components, from the Feed Composition and the Cell Volume”
Giorgio Soave, Sara Colussi and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria 187-188 (2001) 373-389)
SEP 0043 “Crude Oil Model Emulsion Characterised by means of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Techniques”
H. Kallevik, S. Brunsgaard Hansen, Ø. Sæther, J. Sjöblom and O.M. Kvalheim
(J. Dispersion Sci. Technol., 21 (2000) 245-262)