SEP 0701 “High-pressure Vapor-liquid Equilibria of Systems Containing Ethylene Glycol, Water and Methane. Experimental Measurements and Modeling”
Georgios K. Folas, Ole J. Berg, Even Solbraa, Arne O. Fredheim, Georgios K. Kontogeorgis, Michael L. Michelsen and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 251 (2007) 52-58)
SEP 0702 “Data and Prediction of Water Content of High Pressure Nitrogen, Methane and Natural Gas”
Georgios K. Folas, Einar W. Froyna, Jørgen Løvland, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis and Even Solbraa
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 252 (2007) 162-174)
SEP 0703 “CAPE-Open: An international standard”
Martin P. Breil, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Nicolas von Solms and
Erling H. Stenby
(Chemical Engineering, 114 (2007) 52-55)
SEP 0704 “Global Phase Equilibrium Calculatuins: Critical Lines, Critical End Points and Liquid-Liquid-Vapour Equilibrium in Binary Mixtures”
Martin Cismondi and Michael L. Michelsen
(Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 39 (3) (2007) 287-295)
SEP 0705 “Multi Component Equations of State for Electrolytes”
Yi Lin, Kaj Thomsen and Jean-Charles de Hemptinne
(AIChE Journal, 53(4) (2007) 989-1005)
SEP 0706 “Solubility of Gases and Solvents in Silicon Polymers: Molecular Simulation and Equation of State Modeling”
Ioannis Economou, Z.A. Makrodimitri, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis,
Amra Tihic
(Journal of Molecular Simulation, 33 (2007) 851-860)
SEP 0707 “Calculation of the Effect of Macromolecular Architecture on Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Linear – Tri-Arm Polyethylene Blends from Monte Carlo Simulation”
Anatassia n. Rissanou, loukas D. Peristeras and Ioannis G. Economou
(Polymer, 48 (2007) 3883-3892)
SEP 0708 “Application of the CPA Equation of State to Reservoir Fluids in Presence of Water and Polar Chemicals”
Wei Yan, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 276(1) (2009) 75-85)
SEP 0709 “Application of PC-SAFT to Glycol Containing Systems – PC-SAFT Towards a Group Contribution Method”
Andreas Grenner, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Nicolas von Solms and Michael L. Michelsen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261(1-2) (2007) 248-257)
SEP 0710 “Hybridization of the Probability Perturbation Method with Gradient Information”
Kent Johansen, Jef Caers, and Satomi Suzuki
(Journal of Computational Geosciences, 11 (2007) 319-331)
SEP 0711 “On the Estimation of Water Pure Compound Parameters in Association Theories”
A. Grenner, G. M. Kontogeorgis, M. L. Michelsen and G. K. Folas
(Molecular Physics, 105(13-14) (2007) 1737-1801)
SEP 0712 “Modeling Phase Equilibria of Alkanols with the Simplified PC-SAFT Equation of State and Generalized Pure Compound Parameters”
A. Grenner, G. .M. Kontogeorgis, N. v. Solms and M. L. Michelsen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 258(1) (2007) 83-94)
SEP 0713 “Modelling of Associating Mixtures for Applications in the Oil & Gas and Chemical Industries”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Georgios K. Folas, Núria Muro-Suñe, Nicolas von Solms, Michael L. Michelsen and Erling H. Stenby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261 (2007) 205-211)
SEP 0714 Letter to the editor. Comments on “Measurement and Modeling of the Solubility of Water in Supercritical Methane and Ethane from 310 to 477 K and Pressures from 3.4 to 110 MPa”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis and Wei Yan
(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46(12) (2007) 4347-4348)
SEP 0715 “Measurement and Modelling of Hydrogen Bonding in 1-alkanol + n-alkane Binary Mixtures”
Nicolas von Solms, Lars Jensen, Jonas L. Kofod, Micheal L. Michelsen and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261(1-2) (2007) 272-280)
SEP 0716 “Experimental Validation of a Rate-based Model for CO2 Capture Using an AMP Solution”
J. Gabrielsen, H. F. Svendsen, M. L. Michelsen, E. H. Stenby and G. M. Kontogeorgis
(Chem. Eng. Sci., 62 (2007) 2397-2413)
SEP 0717 ”Experimental Investigation of Liquid Chromatography Columns by Means of Computed Tomography”
Dirk-Uwe Astrath, Florian Lottes, Duc Thoung Vu, Wolfgang Arlt, and Erling H. Stenby
(Adsorption, 13 (2007) 9-19)
SEP 0718 “Refrigeration Plants Using Carbon Dioxide as Refrigerant: Measuring and Modelling the Solubility and Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide in Polymers used as Sealing Materials”
Nicolas von Solms, and Jakob Kristensen
(International Journal of Refrigeration, 33 (2010) 19-25)
SEP 0719 “Adsorption of Amylase Enzyme on Ultrafiltration Membranes”
Søren Prip Beier, Ann Dorrit Enevoldsen, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Ernst B. Hansen, and Gunnar Jonsson
(Langmuir, 23(18) (2007) 9341-9351)
SEP 0720 “The Hansen Solubility Parameters (HSP) in Thermodynamic Models for Polymer Solutions”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Chapter in the book “Hansen Solubility Parameters – A user´s handbook” by Charles Hansen, CRC Press, 2nd edition, 75-94)
SEP 0721 “A Splitting Technique for Analytical Modelling of Two Phase Multicomponent Flow in Porous Media”
A. P. Pires, P. G. Bedrikovetsky, and A. A. Shapiro
(Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 51 (2006) 54-67)
SEP 0722 “Study of the Solubility of a Modified Bacillus licheniformis α-Amylase around the Isoelectric Point”
Cornelius Faber, Timothy J. hobley, Jørgen Mollerup, Owen R. T. Thomas, and Svend G. Kaasgaard
(J. Chem. Eng. Data, 52 (2007) 707-713)
SEP 0723 “Adhesion between coating layers based on epoxy and silicone”
Jacob R. Svendsen, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Søren Kiil, Claus E. Weinell, and Martin Grønlund
(Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 316 (2007) 678-686)
SEP 0724 “Coupling Chemical Kinetics and Flashes in Reactive, Thermal and Compositional Reservoir Simulation”
M. R. Kristensen, M. G. Gerritsen, P. G. Thomsen, M. L. Michelsen, and E. H. Stenby
(SPE 106218, In Proceedings of the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, February 26-28, 2007)
SEP 0725 “Gas Transport in Tight Porous Media. Gas Kinetic Approach”
A. A. Shapiro, and J. A. Wesselingh
(Chemical Engineering Journal, 142 (2008) 14-22)
SEP 0726 “Prediction of Adsorption from Liquid Mixtures in Microporous Media by the Potential Theorgy”
Matias A. Monsalvo, and Alexander A. Shapiro
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261 (2007) 292-299)
SEP 0727 “Influence of Structured Packing on Gas Holdup in a Three-Phase Bubble Column”
Matías Monsalvo, and Ursula Böhm
(Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (2007) 6595-6603)
SEP 0728 “High-pressure Viscosity Behavior of x 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) + (1-x) Triethylene Glycol Dimethylether (TriEGDME) Mixtures: Measurements and Modeling”
Matías A. Monsalvo, Antoine Baylaucq, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros, and Christian Boned
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 247 (2006) 70-79)
SEP 0729 “Corrigendum to “High-pressure Viscosity Behavior of x 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) + (1-x) Triethylene Glycol Dimethylether (TriEGDME) Mixtures: Measurements and Modeling” [Fluid Phase Equilibria 247 (2006) 70-79]”
Matías A. Monsalvo, Antoine Baylaucq, Sergio E. Quiñones-Cisneros, and Christian Boned
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 258 (2007) 95-97)
SEP 0730 “Efficient Integration of Stiff Kinetics with Phase Change Detection for Reactive Reservoir Processes”
Morten R. Kristensen, Margot G. Gerritsen, Per G. Thomsen, Michael L. Michelsen, and Erling H. Stenby
(Transport in Porous Media, 69 (2007) 383-409)
SEP 0731 “A Predictive Group-Contribution Simplified PC-SAFT Equation of State: Application to Polymer Systems”
Amra Tihic, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Nicolas von Solms, and Michael L. Michelsen
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(15) (2008) 5092-5101)
SEP 0732 “Measurement and Modelling of the Mixed Solvent Electrolyte System Na2CO3-NaHCO3-Mono Ethylene Glycol-Water”
Philip L. Fosbøl, Kaj Thomsen, and Erling H. Stenby
(Replaced by SEP 0901, 0903 and 0910)
SEP 0733 “Predictions of Flavonoid Solubility in Ionic Liquids by COSMO-RS: Experimental Verification, Structural Elucidation, and Solvation Characterization”
Zheng Guo, Bena-Marie Lue, Kaj Thomsen, Anne Boye Strunge Meyer, and Xuebing Xu
(Green Chemistry, 9 (2007) 1362-1373)
SEP 0734 “Review and Recommended Thermodynamic Properties of FeCO3
Philip L. Fosbøl, Kaj Thomsen, and Erling H. Stenby
(Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 45(2) (2010) 115-135)
SEP 0735 “Automated Calculation of Complete Pxy and Txy Diagrams for Binary Systems”
Martín Cismondi, and Michael L. Michelsen
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 259 (2007) 228-234)
SEP 0736 “Evaluation of the Non-Random Hydrogen Bonding (NRHB) Theory and the Simplified Perturbed-Chain-Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (sPC-SAFT) 1. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria”
Andreas Grenner, Ioannis Tsivintzelis, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Ioannis G. Economou, and Costas Panayiotou
(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(15) (2008) 5636-5650)
SEP 0737 “Evaluation of the Non-Random Hydrogen Bonding (NRHB) Theory and the Simplified Perturbed-Chain-Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (sPC-SAFT) 2. Liquid – Liquid Equilibria and Prediction of Monomer Fraction in Hydrogen Bonding Systems”
Ioannic Tsivintzelis, Andreas Grenner, Ioannis G. Economou, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(15) (2008) 5651-5659)
SEP 0738 “Propane Hydrate Nucleation: Experimental Investigation and Correlation”
Lars Jensen, Kaj Thomsen, and Nicolas von Solms
(Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (2008) 3069-3080)
SEP 0739 “Development, Modeling, Optimization and Scale-up of Chromatographic Purification of a Therapeutic Protein”
Jørgen M. Mollerup, Thomas Budde Hansen, Steffen Kidal, Lars Sejergaard, and Arne Staby
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261 (2007) 133-139)
SEP 0740 “The Thermodynamic Principles of Ligand Binding in Chromatography and Biology”
Jørgen M. Mollerup
(Journal of Biotechnology, 132 (2007) 187-195)
SEP 0741 “CO2 Capture and Storage”
Amit Garg, Lars R. Appelquist, and Erling H. Stenby
(Risø Energy Report, 6 (2007) 25-29)
SEP 0742 “Study of Asphaltene Precipitation by Calorimetry”
Sylvain Verdier, Frédéric Plantier, David Bessières, Simon I. Andersen, Erling H. Stenby, and Hervé Carrier
(Energy & Fuels, 21 (2007) 3583-3587)
SEP 0743 ”Estimation of Migration and Diffusion Coefficients of Monoglycerides in Polyvinyl Chloride, especially GRINDSTED® SOFT-N-SAFE”
Rasmus Lundsgaard, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Jørgen K. Kristiansen, and Torkil F. Jensen
(Replaced by SEP 0905)
SEP 0744 “Calculation of the Interfacial Tension of the Methane-Water System with the Linear Gradient Theory”
Kurt A. G. Schmidt, Georgios K. Folas, and Bjørn Kvamme
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261 (2007) 230-237)
SEP 0745 “A Computational Efficient and Robust Implementation of the Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter”
John Bagterp Jørgensen, Per Grove Thomsen, Henrik Madsen, and Morten Rode Kristensen
(Proceeding of the American Control Conference, New York City, USA, 11-13 July, 20078)
SEP 0746 “Equilibria in the Mixed Solvent System Glycol-NaOH-CO2-Water Applied to Corrosion Modelling”
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, Kaj Thomsen, and Erling H. Stenby
(ECCE6 proceedings, vol. 1 (2007) 137)
SEP 0747 “Classical and Recent Free-Volume Models for Polymer Solutions: A Comparative Evaluation”
Hamid Reza Radfarnia, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Cyrus Ghotbi, Vahid Taghikhani
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 257 (2007) 63-69)
SEP 0748 “Solvent Phenomena in Association Theories with Applications to Oil & Gas and Chemical Industries”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Georgios K. Folas, Nuria Muro-Sune, Ferran Roca Leon, and Michael L. Michelsen
(Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue De L Institut Francais Du Petrole, 63(3) 305-319)
SEP 0749 “Phase Equilibrium Calculations for Multi-Component Polar Fluid Mixtures with tPC-PSAFT”
Eirini K. Karakatsani, and Ioannis G. Economou
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261 (2007) 265-271)