CERE 1601 “Solubility Modeling of the Binary Systems Fe(NO3)3-H2O, Co(NO3)2- H2O and the Ternary Fe(NO3)3-Co(NO3)2-H2O with the Extended Universal Quasichemical (UNIQUAC) Model”
Mouad Arrad, Mohammed Kaddami, Bahija El Goundali, and Kaj Thomsen
(J. Solution Chem. (45 (2016) 534-545)
CERE 1602 “Thermodynamic Modeling of Liquid-Liquid Phase Change Solvents for CO2 Capture”
Muhammad Waseem Arshad, Nicolas von Solms, and Kaj Thomsen
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1603 ”Application of Various Water Soluble Polymers in Gas Hydrate Inbibition”
Muhammad Shahzad Kamal, Ibnelwaleed A. Hussein, Abdullah S. Sultan, and Nicolas von Solms
(Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60 (2016) 206-225)
CERE 1604 “Robust and Efficient Isenthalpic Flash Algorithms for Thermal Recovery of Heavy Oil”
Duncan Paterson, Wei Yan, Michael L. Michelsen, and Erling H. Stenby
CERE 1605 “Simulation and Multivariable Optimization of Post-Combustion Capture using Piperazine”
Jozsef Gaspar, and Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
(International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 49 (2016) 227-238)
CERE 1606 “A Stabilised Nodal Spectral Element Method for Fully Nonlinear Water Waves”
A. P. Ensig-Karup, C. Eskilsson, and D. Bigoni
(Journal of Computational Physics, 318 (2016) 1-21)
CERE 1607 “Evaluation of Equations of State for Simultaneous Representation of Phase Equilibrium and Critical Phenomena”
Andre P.C.M. Vinhal, Wei Yan, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 437 (2017) 140-154)
CERE 1608 “A Predictive Approach of using the CPA Equation of State”
Tobias A. Hansen, Anders Schlaikjer, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1609 “Density and Isothermal Compressibility for two Trialkylimidazolium-based ionic Liquids at Temperatures from (278 to 398) K and up to 120 MPa”
Félix M. Gaciño, Teresa Muñiz Regueira, María J.P. Comuñas, Luis Lugo, Josefa Fernández
(Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 81 (2015) 124-130)
CERE 1610 “Volumetric Behavior of Six Ionic Liquids from T=(278 to 398)K and up to 120MPa”
Félix M. Gaciño, Teresa Muñiz Regueira, Alexander V. Bolotov, Artur Sharipov, Luis Lugo, María J.P. Fernández, and Josefa Fernández
(Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 93 (2016) 24-33)
CERE 1611 “Density and Phase Equilibrium of the Binary System Methane + n-decane under High Temperatures and Pressures”
Teresa Regueira, Georgia Pantelide, Wei Yan, and Erling H. Stenby
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1612 “A least squares approach for efficient and reliable short-term versus long-term optimization”
Lasse Hjuler Christiansen, Andrea Capolei, and John Bagterp Jørgensen
(Computational Geoscience, 21 (2017) 411-426)
CERE 1613 “Modeling Systems Relevant to the Biodiesel Production Using the CPA Equation of State. Part 1. Pure compounds and binary systems”
Ioannis Tsivintzelis, Shahid Ali, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1614 “Modeling Systems Relevant to the Biodiesel Production Using the CPA Equation of State. Part 1. Pure compounds and binary systems. Supplementary Material
Ioannis Tsivintzelis, Shahid Ali, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1615 “Simultaneous Description of Activity Coefficients and Solubility with eCPA”
Anders Schlaikjer, Kaj Thomsen, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1616 “Modeling of Asphaltene Onset Precipitation Conditions with Cubic Plus Association (CPA) and Perturbed Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT) Equation of States”
Alay Arya, Xiaodong Liang, Nicolas von Solms, and Georgios Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1617 “Risk Minimization in Life-cycle Oil Production Optimization”
Andrea Capolei, Lasse Hjuler Christiansen, and John Bagterp Jørgensen
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1618 “A Density Gradient Theory Based Method for Surface Tension Calculations”
Xiaodong Liang, Michael Locht Michelsen, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1619 “Release of Crude Oil from Silica and Calcium Carbonate Surfaces: On the Alternation of Surface and Molecular Forces by High- and Low-Salinity Aqueous Salt Solutions”
Xiaoyan Liu, Wei Yan, Erling H. Stenby, and Esben Thormann
(Energy & Fuels, 30 (2016) 3986-3993)
CERE 1620 “Evaluation of CPA EoS (cubic-plus-association equation of state) for ternary, quaternary and multicomponent systems in the presence of mono-ethylene glycol (MEG))
Fragkiskos Tzirakis, Eirini Karakatsani, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55 (2016) 11371-11382)
CERE 1621 “Unstructured Mesh Generation by Wavelets for Multiscale Methods”
Hani Akbari, Nathan Quadrio, Allan P. Engsig-Karup
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1622 ”Methane Production and Carbon Capture by Hydrate Swapping”
Liang Mu, and Nicolas von Solms
(Energy Fuels, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01638)
CERE 1623 “Influence of Temperature and Solvent Concentration on the Kinetics of the Enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase in Carbon Capture Technology”
Arne Gladis, Maria T. Gundersen, Philip L. Fosbøl, John M. Woodley, and Nicolas von Solms
Chemical Engineering Journal 309 (2017) 772–786
CERE 1624 “Unstructured Spectral Element Model for Dispersive and Novlinear Wave Propagation”
Allan P. Ensig-Karup, Claes Eskilsson, Daniele Bigoni
(In Proceedings of The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), 26 June – 2 July, 2016, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2016 661-668 ISOPE-I-16-455)
CERE 1625 “Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation from Crude Oil with the Cubic Plus Association Equation of State”
Alay Arya, Xiaodong Liang, Nicolas von Solms, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Energy and Fuels, 31 (2017) 2063-2075)
CERE 1626 “Predictive Screening of Ionic Liquids for Dissolving Cellulose and Experimentel Verification”
Yan-Rong Liu, Kaj Thomsen, Yi Nie, Suo-Jiang Zhang, and Anne S. Meyer
(Accepted by Green Chemistry)
CERE 1627 “Dimerization of Carboxylic Acids: An Equation of State Approach”
Ioannis Tsivintzelis, Georgios Kontogeorgis, and Costas Panayiotou
(Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical, 121 (2017) 2153-2163)
CERE 1628 “A Layout for the Carbon Capture with Aqueous Ammonia without Salt Precipitation”
Davide Bonalumi, Gianluca Valenti, Stefano Lillia, Philip L. Fosbøl, and Kaj Thomsen
(Energy Procedia, 86 (2016) 134-143)
CERE 1629 “Controllability and Flexibility Analysis of CO2 Post-combustion Capture using Piperazine and MEA”
Jozsef Gaspar, Luis Ricardez-Sandoval, John Bagterp Jørgensen, and Philip L. Fosbøl
(International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 51 (2016) 276-289)
CERE 1630 “Determining Optimum Aging time using Novel Core Flooding Equipment”
Mehrdad Ahkami, Krishna Hara Chakravarty, Ioannis Xiarchos, Kaj Thomsen, Philip L. Fosbøl
(Proceedings of the 23rd International SPE Bergen One Day Seminar, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2016, SPE-180054-MS)
CERE 1631 “Hydrate Equilibrium Data for CO2+N-2 System in the Presence of Tetra-n-butylammonium Fluoride (TBAF) and Mixture of TBAF and Cyclopentane (CP)"
Fragkiskos Tzirakis, Paolo Stringari, Christophe Coquelet, Nicolas von Solms, and Georgios Kontogeorgis
(Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 61 (2016) 1007-1011)
CERE 1632 “Irreversible Change of the Pore Structure of ZIF-8 in Carbon Dioxide Capture with Water Coexistence”
Huang Liu, Ping Guo, Teresa Regueira Muñiz, Zhouhua Wang, Jianfen Du, and Guangjin Chen
(Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (2016) 13287-13294)
CERE 1633 “Wettability of chalk and argillaceous sandstones assessed from T1/T2 ratio”
Konstantina Katika, Milad Saidian, and Ida Lykke Fabricius
(Paper presented at 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, Vienna, Austria)
CERE 1634 “CO2 Capture with Liquid-Liquid Phase Change Solvents: A Thermodynamic Study”
Muhammad Waseem Arshad, Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, Nicolas von Solms, and Kaj Thomsen
(Accepted by Energy Procedia)
CERE 1635 “Heat capacity and Joule-Thomson coefficient of selected n-alkanes at 0.1 and 10 MPa in broad temperature ranges”
Teresa Regueira, Farhad Varzandeh, Erling H. Stenby, and Wei Yan
(J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 111 (2017) 250-264)
CERE 1636 “Model comparison for high-pressure adsorption in shale and its influence on phase equilibria”
Diego Sandoval, Wei Yan, Michael L. Michelsen, and Erling H. Stenby
(Presented at ECMOR XV – 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 29 August – 1 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Conference paper)
CERE 1637 “Comparative analysis of experimental methods for quantification of small amounts of oil in water”
Katika, K., Ahkami, M., Fosbøl, P.L., Halim, A.Y., Shapiro, A., Thomsen, K., Xiarchos, I. & Fabricius, I.L. 2
(Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 147 (2016) 459–467)
CERE 1638 “New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis”
O. Faÿ, J. Soete, K. Katika, S. Galaup, B. Caline, F. Descamps, E. Lasseur, I.L. Fabricius, J. Saïag, R. Swennen, and S. Vandycke
(Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75 (2016) 252-271)
CERE 1639 “Effective stresses and shear failure pressure from in situ Biot’s coefficient, Hejre Field, North Sea”
J.B. Regel, I. Orozova-Bekkevold, K.A. Andreassen, N.C. Høegh van Gilse, and I.L. Fabricius
(submitted for publication)