CERE 1901
“Accounting for cross association in non-self-associating species using a physically consistent SAFT-VR Mie approach”
Jamie T. Cripwell, Francois J. Kruger, and Andries J. Burger
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 482 (2019) 1-13)
CERE 1902 “Dynamic Optimization of Thermodynamically Rigorous Models of Multiphase Flow in Porous Subsurface Oil Reservoirs”
Tobias K.S. Ritschel, and John Bagterp Jørgensen
(Journal of Process Control, 78 (2019) 45-56)
CERE 1903 “Enrichment of mesophilic and thermophilic mixed microbial consortia for syngas biomethanation: the role of kinetic and thermodynamic competition”
Antonio Grimalt-Alemany, Mateusz Łężyk, David M. Kennes-Veiga, Ioannis V. Skiadas and Hariklia N. Gavala
(Waste and Biomass Valorization, doi.org/10.1007/s12649-019-00595-z)
CERE 1904 “Modeling Tetra-n-butyl Ammonium Halides Aqueous Solutions with the Electrolyte CPA Equation of State”
Li Sun, Xiaodong Liang, Nicolas von Solms, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 486 (2019) 37-47)
CERE 1905A “PρT Measurement and Modeling of n-decane+m-xylene Mixtures from 293.15 K to 363.15 K at Pressures up to 60 MPa”
Kai Kang, Xiaodong Liang, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Xiaopo Wang
(The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 135 (2019) 107-115)
CERE 1905B “Support information to” “PρT Measurement and Modeling of n-decane+m-xylene Mixtures from 293.15 K to 363.15 K at Pressures up to 60 MPa”
Kai Kang, Xiaodong Liang, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Xiaopo Wang
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1906 “Gas adsorption and Interfacial Tension with Classical Density Functional Theory”
Edgar L. Camacho Vergara, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Xiaodong Liang
(Industrial Chemical Research, 58 (2019) 5650-5664)
CERE 1907 “Modelling of Wave-structure Interaction for Cylindrical Structures using a spectral Element Multigrid Method”
Wojciech Laskowski, Harry B. Bingham, and Allan P. Ensig-Karup
(Submitted to the 34th IWWWFB, Australia, 2019)
CERE 1908 “Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of aqueous ammonia soaking of wheat straw at ambient temperature for enhancing the methane yield”
A. Lymperatou, H.N. Gavala, and I.V. Skiadas
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1909 “Biomethanation of Syngas by Enriched Mixed Anaerobic Consortia in Trickle Bed Reactors, Waste and Biomass Valorization”
K. Asimakopoulos, H.N. Gavala, and I.V. Skiadas
(Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (2020) 495-512)
CERE 1910 “Pilot Scale Absorption Experiments with Carbonic Anhydrase-enhanced MDEA-Benchmarking with 30 wt% MEA”
Arne Gladis, Niels F. Lomholdt, Philip L. Fosbøl, John M. Woodley, and Nicolas von Solms
(International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 82 (2019) 69-85)
CERE 1911 “Efficient Transformation of CO2 to Cyclic Carbonates by DBU Based Ionic Liquids under Mild Conditions”
Xianglei Meng, Zhaoyang Ju, Suojiang Zhang, Xiaodong Liang, Nicolas von Solms, and Xiangping Zhang
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1912 “Challenges in the development of a database of thermophysical properties of nanofluids”
M.E. Mondejar, M. Regidor, G. Kontogeorgis, and F. Haglind
(Submitted for 1st International Conference on Nanofluids (ICNf2019), 2nd European Symposium on Nanofluids (ENSNf2019), 26-28 June, 2019, Castelló, Spain)
CERE 1913 “Equations of State in Three Centuries. Are we closer to arriving to a single model for all applications?”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Xiaodong Liang, Alay Arya, and Ioannis Tsivintzelis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1914 “Investigation of the growth kinetics of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide hydrate formation in small spaces”
Meng Shi, Xuemei Lang, Yanhong Wang, Nicolas von Solms, and Shuanshi Fan
(American Chemical Society, 33 (2019) 3473-3482)
CERE 1915 “A computational tool for parameter estimation in EoS: New methodologies and natural gas phase equilibria calculations”
Samir S. Abunahman, Letícia C. dos Santos, Frederico W. Tavares, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Chemical Engineering Science, 215 (2020) 115437-)
CERE 1916 “Modeling systems relevant to the biodiesel production using the CPA equation of state. Part 2. Systems with supercritical CO2”
Ioannis Tsivintzelis, Shahid Ali, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 504 (2020) 112337-)
CERE 1917 “Multi-criteria optimization of process and refrigerant mixture for a small-scale natural gas liquefaction: enhancing energy efficiency, environmental benignness, and safety”
Saeed Eini, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Davood Rashtchian, and Mahdi Sharifzadeh
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1918 “Bicarbonate flooding of homogeneous and heterogeneous cores from a carbonaceous petroleum reservoir”
Samira Mohammadkhani, Hamidreza Shahverdi, Sidsel Marie Nielsen, Mohsen Nasr Esfahany, and Alexander Shapiro
(Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 178 (2019) 251-261)
CERE 1919 “Taking another look at the van der Waals equation of state – Almost 150 years later”
Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Romain Privat, and Jean-Noël Jaubert
(Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 64 (2019) 4619-4637)
CERE 1920 “Solid solubility in the aqueous 2-amino-2-methyl-propanol (AMP) plus piperazine (PZ) system”
Randi Neerup, Kenny Ståhl, and Philip L. Fosbøl
(Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 64 (2019) 2423-2428)
CERE 1921 “High-pressure densities of n-decane+o-xylene mixtures: Measurement and modelling”
Kai Kang, Shanshan Zhu, Xiaodong Liang, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Xiaopo Wang
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 498 (2019) 1-8)
CERE 1922 “Insights into the solvation and dynamic behaviors of a lithium salt in organic- and ionic liquid-based electrolytes”
Jiahuan Tong, Xingqing Xiao, Xiaodong Liang, Nicolas von Solms, Feng Huo, Hongyan He, and Suojiang Zhang
(Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019) 19216-19225)
CERE 1923 “Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of NH3-K2CO3-CO2-H2O system for carbon capture applications”
Stefano Lillia, Davide Bonalumi, Philip L. Fosbøl, Kaj Thomsen, Indira Jayaweera, and Gianluca Valenti
(International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 85 (2019) 121-131)
CERE 1924 “Experimental studies on hydrogen hydrate with tetrahydrofuran by differential scanning calorimeter and in-situ Raman”
Jing Cai, Yuan-Qing Tao, Nicolas von Solms, Chun-Gang Xu, Zhao-Yang Chen, Xiao-Sen Li
(Applied Energy, 243 (2019) 1-9)
CERE 1925 “Modelling the critical and phase equilibrium properties of pure fluids and mixtures with the crossover Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State”
Andre P.C.M. Vinhal, Wei Yan, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, (2019 DOI:10.1021/acs.jced.9b00492)
CERE 1926 “High-pressure experimental vapour-liquid-liquid equilibrium measurements and modelling for natural gas processing”
Francois Kruger, Athanasios A. Varsos, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Nicolas von Solms
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1927 “Hydrate stability and methane recovery from gas hydrate through CH4- CO2 replacement in different mass transfer scenarios”
Jyoti Shanker Pandey and Nicolas von Solms
(Energies, 12 (2019) 2309 -)
CERE 1928 “Experimental study of the phase behavior of hydrocarbon fluids in porous media at atmospheric and elevated pressures”
Teresa Regueira, Diego R. Sandoval, Erling H. Stenby, and Wei Yan
(Presented at Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), Denver, Colorado, USA, 22-24 July 2019, DOI: 10.15530/urtec-2019-534)
CERE 1929 “Modeling of gas solubility using the electrolyte Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State”
Li Sun, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Nicolas von Solms, and Xiaodong Liang
(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (2019) 17555-17567)
CERE 1930 “Inhibition of methane hydrate nucleation and growth by an antifreeze protein”
Liang Mu, Hans Ramløv, T. Max M. Søgaard, Thomas Jørgensen, Willem A. de Jongh, and Nicolas von Solms
(Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 183 (2019) 106388)
CERE 1931“A model-based solvent selection and design framework for organic coating formulations”
Spardha Jhamb, Xiaodong Liang, Kim Dam-Johansen, and Georgios Kontogeorgis
(Progress in Organic Coatings, 140 (2020) 105471-)
CERE 1932 “Insights into kinetics of methane hydrate formation in the presence of surfactants”
Jyoti Shanker Pandey, Yousef Jouljamal Daas, and Nicolas von Solms
(Processes, 7 (2019) 598; doi:10.3390/pr7090598)
CERE 1933“Effect of compaction on oil recovery under low salinity flooding in homogeneous and heterogeneous chalk”
Jiasheng Hao, and Alexander Shapiro
(SPE-195831-MS (2019), Presentation for SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition 2019, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 30/9-2/10-2019)
CERE 1934 “Density, compressibility and phase equilibrium of high pressure-high temperature reservoir fluids up to 473 K and 140 MPa”
Teresa Regueira, Maria-Lito Glykioti, Nomiki Kottaki, Erling H. Stenby, and Wei Yan
(Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 159 (2020) 104781-)
CERE 1935“Phase Equilibrium in shale including porous media effects”
Diego Rolando Sandoval Lemus, Wei Yan, and Erling H. Stenby
(Presented at Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference 2019, 11-14 November, 2019, United Arab Emirates)
CERE 1936 “Results of the fourth Technology Centre Mongstad campaign: LVC testing”
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, Randi Neerup, Susana Almeida, Amirali Rezazadeh, Jozsef Gaspar, Anette Beate Nesse Knarvik, and Nina Enaasen Flø
(International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 89 (2019) 52-64)
CERE 1937 “Process variables data from the lean vapour compressor campaign at Technology Centre Mongstad”
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, Randi Neerup, Susana Almeida, Amirali Rezazadeh, Jozsef Gaspar, Anette Knarvik, and Nina Flø
(Data in Brief, 26 (2019) 104483-)
CERE 1938 “A group contribution-based prediction method for the electrical conductivity of ionic liquids”
Yuqin Chen, Yingjun Cai, Kaj Thomsen, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, John M. Woodley
(Fluid Phase Equilibria, 509 (2020) 112462-)
CERE 1939 “Cost optimization and flexibility analysis for the liquefaction of an associated natural gas stream”
Saeed Eini, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Davood Rashtchian
(Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142 (2020) 062801-1-)
CERE 1940 “Supplementary Material – Cost optimization and flexibility analysis for the liquefaction of an associated natural gas stream”
Saeed Eini, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, and Davood Rashtchian
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1941 “Computer-aided design of paints and coatings”
Spardha Jhamb, Markus Enekvist, Xiaodong Liang, Xiangping Zhang, Kim Dam-Johansen, and Georgios Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1942 “Modeling vapor-liquid-liquid-solid equilibrium for acetone-water-salt systems”
Kaj Thomsen, Martin Olsen, Lucas Corrêa
(Pure Appl. Chem. 2020; aop https://doi.org/101515/pac - 2019-1013)
CERE 1943 “Development of nanoparticles as injection media in enhanced oil recovery”
Muhammad Waseem Arshad, Karen Louise Feilberg, Alexander Shapiro, and Kaj Thomsen
(SPE-198548-MS, 2019)
CERE 1944 “Methane hydrate formation behavior in the presence of selected amino acids”
Jyoti Shanker Pandey, Yousef Jouljamal Daas, and Nicolas von Solms
(Presented at the 8th International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2019), Taipei, Taiwan, 18-20 November, 2019)
CERE 1945 “Comparison of two types of crossover Soave-Redlich-Kwong equations of state for derivative properties of n-alkanes”
Andre P.C.M. Vinhal, Asma Jamali, Hassan Behnejad, Wei Yan, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1946 “A new study of associating inhomogeneous fluids with classical density functional theory”
Edgar L. Camacho Vergara, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis
(Submitted for publication)
CERE 1947 “A multi-layered view of chemical and biochemical engineering”
Rafiqul Gani, Jerzy Baldyga, Béatrice Biscans, Elisabetta brunazzi, Jean-Claude Charpentier, Enrico Drioli, Hermann Feise, Andrew Furlong, Kevin M. Van Geem, Jean-Charles de Hemptinne, Antoon J.B. ten Kate, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Flavio Manenti, Guy B. Marin, Seyed Soheil Mansouri, Patrick M. Piccione, Ana Povoa, Manuel Andres Rodrigo, Bent Sarup, Eva Sorensen, Isuru A. Udugama, and John M. Woodley
(Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 155 (2020) 133-145)
CERE 1948 “Effect of compaction on oil recovery under low salinity flooding in homogeneous and heterogeneous chalk”
Jiasheng Hao, and Alexander Shapiro