Whenever a new flow model is created, it may be combined with the reservoir simulation code provided by BOSS and applied for the conditions of a realistic reservoir geometry and well placement, distribution of permeability and porosity, fluid properties.
Initial version of BOSS was created by K. Johansen and M. Rode Kristensen in 2008. The code exists in MatLab and Fortran versions. The initial version was capable of doing 2D and 3D reservoir black oil simulations, almost matching the options of the industry-standard reservoir simulator ECLIPSE.
The ECLIPSE input files may be used for initiation of the simulations in BOSS.
Later BOSS has been extended in several ways, in order to incorporate the different processes of enhanced oil recovery. The latest extension was development of the microbial EOR simulator.
This simulator is probably the first in the world that can be used to model bacterial behavior affecting the oil production: growth, digestion, propagation, conservation in the form of spores and subsequent re-activation, production of surfactant and selective plugging of the porous rock.