Carbon capture Open tests and Review of Technologies (CORT)

This project will test and demonstrate solvents and process technologies for carbon capture at Aalborg Portland and Ørsted.

Solvents for carbon capture will be demonstrated at AP and Ørsted. The solvents will all be thermal driven and tested on the same pilot.

The carbon capture (CC) pilot has previously been constructed for DTU Chemical engineering to test thermal driven CC technologies.


Lean vapour recompression, vacuum stripper and advanced heat integration are some of the technologies that can be tested for the solvents on the CC pilot.

The CC system owned by DTU can be reconfigured. Thus, the project will be able to use fewer resources and less time in order to perform the scheduled tests.


Another benefit from using the DTU CC pilot is the possibility to perform open tests of different solvents.

Commonly, the CC system provider has designed the system for a specific solvent.


Using the DTU owned pilot, solvents (including proprietary solvents) can be tested and directly compared under different circumstances.

For each solvent, a different optimal process configuration is expected, and the comparison is therefore not necessarily straight forward.

carbon capture (CC) pilot


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 68


Randi Neerup
DTU Chemical Engineering