Rock mechanics tests are performed in load-frames. Rock mechanics test can be combined with elastic wave velocity and electrical resistivity measurement.
A triaxial Hoek cell is generally used for generating uniaxial or hydrostatic stress condition. However, other types of cell, as an oedometer cell, can also be used. Axial stress is applied by a 50 kN actuator.
The confining stress and pore pressure is controlled by means of pumps. Axial strain can be measured by LVDT or movement of the load-frame.
By attaching strain gauges in the sample both axial and radial stresses can be measured.
Technical Specifications
Load ranges: 50 kN axial, 64 MPa confining and pore pressure
Load resolution: +/- 1 in 10,000
Load cell accuracy: non-linearity +/- 0.03%, hysteresis and non repeatability +/- 0.05%
Displacement range: 100 mm
Displacement resolution: 0.1 micrometre
Displacement accuracy: 0.05% of full range
Stress condition: Uniaxial, hydrostatic
Temperature: 15°C to 25°C
Sample size: Length: 15 mm to 75 mm - Diameter: 25 mm to 37.5 mm (1 to 1½ inch)