
The goal of the BioReFuel project is to convert biogas to methanol with and without the addition of renewable hydrogen.

This project, BioReFuel, seeks to use an existing mobile demonstration container which can convert biogas, CO2, and hydrogen (from PtX) into biogenic green methanol. 


The purpose of the project is to perform a long-term test campaign from April to August 2023 building on top of ongoing short-term container performance in the period of winter 2022/2023.


The results from this project will facilitate and prove that the technology developed by Elplatek and DTU is capable of sustaining methanol production from PtX hydrogen combined with CO2 from larger industry.


The operation will lead to production of sustainable methanol which can be converted to green fuels for heavy transport like Off-shore marine, trucks, and aviation fuels (SAF). The container is capable of using a versatile feed resource of either Hydrogen+CO2 or hydrogen+biogas.


During the project, results will be created which allow for de-risking the technology for a future upscale and investment discissions to allow Danish farmers to optimize production and participate sustainably in the green transition to a zero emission society. 


The project had two partners: Elplatek A/S and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark.








Sebastian Nis Bay Villadsen
Senior Project Manager
DTU Chemical Engineering


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 68