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Center for Energy Resources Engineering
Center for Energy Resources Engineering
Research and Projects
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Center for Energy Resources Engineering
Research and Projects
PhD Projects
Center for Energy Resources Engineering
Research and Projects
PhD Projects
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Advanced configurations for carbon capture and flue gas cleaning
Advanced Thermodynamic Models for Water
Algorithms and thermodynamic models for CO2 capture
Application of Quantum Chemistry to Modeling Associating Systems
Benchmark and development of predictive molecular thermodynamic models
Bioconversion of Carbon Dioxide in a Novel Reactor Type
Biogas Upgrading (Carbon Capture) simulation through experimental work and thermodynamic modelling
Cost Reductions in Carbon Capture through System and Technology Optimization
Development of a machine-learning model for NaCl aqueous solutions
Digitalization, Simulation, Control and Optimization for Power-to-X
Efficient compositional reactive transport simulation for CO2 storage
Electrochemical CO2 Capture
Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Solvation Phenomena in Electrolyte Solutions
Experimental Study of CO2+Brine Mixtures for CO2 Storage
Fermentation of carbon monoxide to chemical precursors
First-principles prediction of microemulsion formulation properties
FRESH - Formate for renewable Energy Storage
Further Development of the Primitive Electrolyte Equation of State Approach
High Customization Computed Tomography for in situ Imaging of Fluid-Solid Interaction
In-situ online corrosion and solvent degradation monitoring at Pilot Scale
Interactions between impure CO2 and reservoir rock at fluid-formation interface
Large-scale multiphysics CO2 storage simulation
Modeling of Electrolyte Systems using the Non-Primitive Approach
Modelling of the Phase Equilibrium and Physical Properties of Complex Mixtures Using Advanced Thermodynamic Methods
Model Predictive Control for Zero-Emission Industrial Processes
Multi-phase Modeling of Electrolyte Systems
New advanced simulation techniques for wave energy converters
Prediction of Solid-Liquid Equilibria in Electrolyte Solutions
Robust and energy efficient methods of scrubbing C02 using electrochemical cells
The Potential and Demonstration Feasibility of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
Thermodynamic and physical properties as basis for digitalization of glycol processes
Archive - PhD
PhD Projects
Updated by
Christian Ove Carlsson
on 30 April 2024
Updated by
Christian Ove Carlsson
on 30 April 2024