In-situ online corrosion and solvent degradation monitoring at Pilot Scale

Understanding solvent health is crucial to improve efficiency in CO2 capture. My research focuses on developing inline monitoring tools that track degradation products and corrosion in amine-based capture systems.

Increasingly stringent emission regulations drive the need for efficient CO2 capture technologies, particularly those relying on solvent-based systems.

In amine-based CO2 capture processes, solvent degradation is a critical challenge that diminishes capture efficiency and raises operational costs.

My PhD project focuses on developing a novel, inline monitoring system that enables real-time tracking of solvent degradation byproducts, including heat-stable salts, and corrosion products.

Our approach involves capturing complex spectra from solvent mixtures to identify specific degradation signatures, linking to an overall solvent degradation rate.

The gathered data are analyzed using big-data techniques to establish a reliable, automatic evaluation of solvent condition.

Testing will be conducted on the pilot plant at Aalborg Portland to validate the technology's real-world applicability.

Ultimately, this project aims to optimize capture efficiency, extending solvent lifespan and reducing costs in industrial CO2 capture applications.

Main supervisor:
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Co- supervisor:
Randi Neerup

Head of project:
Wei Yan (DTU)
Harvey Thompson (Leeds)
Rick Barker (Leeds)


Ward Peeters
PhD Student
DTU Chemical Engineering


Randi Neerup
DTU Chemical Engineering


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl
Associate Professor
DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 68