The exploitation of high pressure high temperature reservoirs, which are those with p > 69 MPa and T > 422 K is risky and represents a challenge nowadays. The NexOil project is aimed to provide knowledge leading to the safe exploitation of this type of reservoirs.
The postdoct project is framed under the WP2 of the NextOil project, which deals with the study of hydrocarbon reservoir fluids. Under this work package reliable and extensive thermophysical data at high pressure high temperature conditions will be determined for reservoir fluids and related systems. The properties under study are density, viscosity, phase equilibria and Joule-Thomson coefficient in a temperature range up to 473 K and pressure range up to 150 MPa.
Thus, we have recently installed in our laboratory a recombination unit, a high pressure pump, a capillary viscometer, a gasmeter and a PVT unit from Sanchez Technologies. In this last unit different experiments are performed through an automated procedure, constant mass expansion, constant mass depletion and differential liberation.
Moreover, a high pressure densimeter from Anton Paar and a DSC from Setaram were also installed. Additionally, oil characterization is performed both by determination of the true boiling point through a fully automated distillation column with 90 equivalent plates, and also through simulated distillation.
Head of project: Prof. Erling H. Stenby,