The current PhD project is offered in the framework of the project “Modeling and detection of oil in sea water”, supported by the Danish National Foundation for Advanced Technologies, and co-ordinated by RESON A/S.
The target of the Ph.D project is to develop an advanced thermodynamic model (based on SAFT-type association theories) capable of predicting various properties (phase behaviour/solubilities, densities, speed of sound, etc.) in oil-water mixtures over a wide range of conditions (temperature, pressure, salinity of water) and for a wide range of oil mixtures (of different types and origins).
This entails that thermodynamic models like CPA and variants of PC-SAFT should be developed to include electrolytes and oil mixtures in such a way so that the models can be applied to oil-sea water mixtures and for a wide variety of oils, different thermodynamic properties and diverse conditions with respect to temperature, pressure and salinity content. The extension of the models described requires the development of a rigorous characterization method for applications to oil and inclusion of an electrolyte term for use for sea water.
Supervisor: Prof. Georgios Kontogeorgis,
Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Kaj Thomsen:
Co-supervisor: Senior Researcher Wei Yan,